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Archive for August, 2014

Review: Boredom

People like to cite the cliche that only boring people get bored, but at some point or another, we all get bored. No one is really sure what causes boredom or what we can do about it, but Albert Nerenberg underwent an exploration of boredom and its scientific (and sometimes not so scientific) causes in the documentary Boredom.

The LEGO Super Friends Project

When the LEGO Friends line was introduced, it was met with mixed reviews. Many little girls loved it and LEGO builders liked the colors that were introduced with the line, but it was often derided for its more doll-like minifigures and its conformation to female stereotypes. It was such discussions, and the desire to utilize the same figures in order to the break the stereotypes that they had been assigned, that led me to start the LEGO Super Friends Project.