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Archive for September, 2020

Review: Web Security for Developers

Black hat hackers inhabit the internet, seeking servers to take over and utilize for their own nefarious purposes. While developers do what they can to secure their code, sometimes they are unaware of holes or potential pitfalls that the hackers may take advantage of that exist in the code. To help educate these programmers, there is Web Security for Developers by Malcolm McDonald.

Review: Python One-Liners

With a title like Python One-Liners, one might think that someone wrote a Henny Youngman-esque nerdy jokebook, but such is not the case. Instead, the book by Christian Mayer is how to “write concise, eloquent python like a professional.”

Review: LEGO Train Projects

When doing large scale displays with I LUG NY (back when that was a thing), often had large cityscapes and environments with trains running through them. The moving trains captured the attention and the wonder of children as the locomotives traveled in large loops across multiple tables. LEGO Train Projects by Charles Pritchett is a […]