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galaxy note

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Must Have Apps For the Samsung Galaxy Note

The Samsung Galaxy Note is a hybrid tablet phone with a 5.3″ HD screen, 4G LTE speeds and 1.4 GHz dual core processor, making it the prefect platform to get things done, and it takes good apps to take it to the next level. With the Android Marketplace’s 425,000 apps to choose from, there are plenty of choices to utilize on it.

Review: Samsung Galaxy Note

Samsung introduced their hybrid tablet phone, the Galaxy Note, during a Super Bowl commercial that had everyone singing “I Believe In A Thing Called Love” by the Darkness the next day. At SXSW, I met Jen Friel, who was representing AT&T down there, and she gave me one of 5 Samsung Galaxy Notes that she was giving away in Austin, Texas.