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world maker faire

This tag is associated with 2 posts

Tux The Lego Penguin

In preparation for the World Maker Faire, I attended a mixer for the different makers who would be displaying their different creations at the faire. When I met Alicia there, she became excited that my polo shirt happened to have a penguin on it due to the penguin mascot for Linux (of which my shirt was not). When Maker Faire approached, I wanted to have at least one new piece to display and Tux became it.

Recap: Maker Faire

Ever since I saw my first link to Make’s website from Slashdot, I have been a faithful reader and subscriber to the magazine. The DIY ethic has always been in my nature and something I have always supported. When I was in California for work in 2006, I returned home a week before the first Maker Faire, but since they were finally bringing it to New York, I had to be part of it.