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Review: The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse

51+bMeZQ1vL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_The inevitable zombie apocalypse will be upon us sooner than we think. Many of us think about what weapons we’ll use to battle them when it happens, and sometimes think about where we might hold up to defend ourselves from them, but what happens after that? How will we communicate with other survivors? Where will we get electricity? Luckily Simon Monk thought about these things and put them in The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse for us to have at the ready when the time comes.

The book opens with an analytical approach to the undead. Monk does a statistical analysis of the different zombie movies, the types of undead, and how they would need to be handled. From there, he moves to general survival tips, letting the reader know what to do when society begins to break down. Scavenging, preparing, and having a proper kit for when things start to go bad.

After the basics are covered, the reader is shown ways to begin generating their own electricity by building basic generators and scavenging supplies like solar panels and car batteries to power other projects and get the ability to build more projects that would normally require power. Monk teaches all about how electricity works, what is necessary to utilize the current to power devices, and how to manage the amount of electricity one has to work with and how long it will last.

Once electricity is in abundance, the reader is brought through different electronic projects with the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms. Communications devices, monitoring devices, alarms, controlling the environment, and other useful devices that can be built. While it is all done under the pretense of the zombie apocalypse, The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse gives lots of good information about the platforms, how the different electronic parts work, and projects that can be done now using all the information.

The Maker’s Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse is an excellent resource on survival skills, how electricity and electronics work, how to use the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms to create interesting projects. On the day when the inevitable zombie apocalypse comes (or any real potential disasters), this book will definitely be on my shelf as a reference for things to do when things hit the fan.

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