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NYRR Race to Deliver 4M 2016

screen-shot-2016-11-29-at-12-52-05-amHaving completed the NYC Marathon on November 6, I was one race away from completing my 9+1 to get automatic entry into the 2017 NYC Marathon. With the number of races to run in dwindling, I chose to run one more race in Central Park to complete my registration requirements with the Race to Deliver 4M.

It had rained the night before, so the roads in the park were a little slick with water and wet leaves, but we didn’t allow that to hinder our run. We started on the east side of the park and headed north as our corrals were released with the sound of the horn. We quickly passed the 72nd street transverse and headed up cat hill. The famous statue was upon our left side before we had gotten very far and passed the 85th street transverse for the first mile marker. Without stopping we continued up the east side until we got to the 102nd street transverse and turned left. The second mile marker was in the middle of the transverse as we headed west until we turned left and headed south. Straight down the west side to 72nd street and turning left onto the transverse to complete our four mile course around Central Park to complete my last race of the year.

Even though I hadn’t run a lot since the marathon, I was ready to run 2 weeks later around the park and complete the four miles in 35:54. Now that my races are completed for 2016, it’s almost time to start training for my 2017 races.

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